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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

forgot to mention!

The rescue group I work with in Manhattan, City Critters, Inc., has expanded its adoption locations! We can now be found not only at the Petco in Kips Bay (32nd Street/2nd Ave) with kitties for adoption, but we are also located at the Petsmart location in Soho! Our adoption counselor hours remain 12-6pm Sat/Sun at both locations, but you can view a few of our kitties or fill out applications anytime during the week. Come on by, we'd love to see you!

Also, I live in Astoria and LOVE shopping for my pet food at Whiskers' newer/second location on Ditmars Blvd. They are awesome there! So friendly, knowledgable and have a ton of great products. They even have the food my chinchilla loves, so I don't have to order it straight from Nebraska anymore! If you are in Astoria, check them out. They are on Ditmars, down my Astoria Park. And two store fronts down from their food/supply store, they've just opened up a new grooming salon that uses natural products for your pet. I can only imagine they are as thoughtful and caring there as they are in the main store. I highly recommend stopping by Whiskers for supplies, grooming, or just to say hi to the kitties for adoption in the front of the store!

Have a good "wheek",

back in 2011

It has been a while since I have posted due to travel over the holidays, a lovely round of illness with sinusitus and a cough, then the passing of our dear bunny, Miles. So, 2011 hasn't had the smoothest start, but I am still kicking and I am on semester 2 of my journey toward my pre-reqs for vet school.

This semester is Bio II and Chem I. I am still enjoying classes and keeping up. We get to dissect stuff in bio this semester, so I am really excited about that. I also have to say, Chemistry is more fun that I thought it would far. I am surprised. So, if you've ever had questions about what these sorts of classes are like, let me know. I will be happy to share any info/insight I've gathered that may help you.

Frankly, my anxiety-driven need to organize everything has come in handy in school. That keeps the notes and such in order. Maybe a little neuroses aren't too bad? Plus, it gives me an excuse to go buy neat little organization items from Staples or the Container Store....oh, it is so dangerous shopping at those places!

Any who, I am extremely tired (I'm am NOT shocked by this), but happy. My hubby is now on a quest for a job to make him a happier human being as well, so hopefully we'll both be on this journey to a "better you" very soon. I know, that sounds very corny, but if you've ever felt know what I mean. If you haven't, I hope you experience it one day soon. It is an exhausting, but fun ride.
